The story of “Cộng” began in 2007. The first shop of the franchise was a small café, situated on Trieu Viet Vuong street – the historic café street of Hanoi…

< Documentation: Coffee gatherings at the old Cộng Caphe >

During October 2007, the vibrant streets of Trieu Viet Vuong were abuzz with excitement as Linh Dung, the proprietor of Coffee Shop No. 152D, donned a fresh new attire for her establishment. It was at that very moment that Cộng Caphe came into existence, bearing a concise name inspired by the first letters of the country's official name: CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM (The Socialist Republic of Vietnam).

Cộng’s founder, Linh Dung wanted to bring the rustic and romantic spirit from her childhood memories into Cộng.

In 2007, at the time when most Hanoian cafés did not pay attention to their design, Linh Dung believed that: Cộng needed a story of its own. 

From the foods and drinks to the unique menu presentation; from the interior design, paint color choice to even the furniture design and decorations; all were done by Linh Dung herself.  

Our mission is to arouse imagination and bring our customers unique emotional experiences of Vietnam. We are relentlessly pushing our creativities with a desire to bring Cộng to the global community, spreading a unique inspiration with the creativity and heart of every single team member.

To this day, Cong Caphe has nearly 100 stores, spanning across Vietnam as well as other countries like South Korea, Canada, Malaysia, and Taiwan, welcoming thousands of customers every day.

“Cộng more, Cộng forever”, we hope to inspire distinct imagination by creativity and the heart of each members.


< We sincerely appreciate your invaluable support on our remarkable journey of development towards the flourishing Cộng Caphe of today. Thank you for being an integral part of our success. >